Command Line Arguments
To configure New Relic dashboards based on a YAML definition file, the New Relic Dashboard Builder tool must be invoked from the command line with all required arguments.
Usage: nrdash [OPTIONS] CONFIG_FILE Build New Relic dashboards based on YAML configuration. Options: --api-key TEXT New Relic admin API key [required] --account-id INTEGER New Relic account id [required] --help Show this message and exit.
New Relic Dashboard Builder must use an admin API key, not an account level API key
Dashboards definitions are specified under the dashboards
section. The dashboard title is used to uniquely identify each dashboard in an account. Any existing dashboards on the account with the same title will be overwritten with the definition in the configuration file. A new dashboard will be created if no dashboards exist with the title.
YAML Snippet
Dashboards can be defined with both inline queries and references to queries defined in the queries
dashboards: sample-dashboard: title: Sample Dashboard widgets: - widget: query: title: Transactions by Response Status nrql: SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Transaction WHERE transactionType = 'Web' FACET response.status visualization: facet_bar_chart row: 1 column: 1 width: 3 height: 2 - widget: query: sample-query row: 3 column: 1 width: 1 height: 1
Dashboards are defined with the following set of arguments
Argument | Description | Required? |
title |
Title of the dashboard. The title is used to uniquely identify the dashboard and therefore should be unique. | Required |
widgets |
List of widgets that are included in the dashboard. | Required |
Widgets in a dashboard are defined with the following set of arguments
Argument | Description | Required? |
query |
The query that specifies the data displayed by the widget. The query can be either an inline query or a reference to a query defined in the queries section. |
Required |
row |
The row of the dashboard on which the widget should be displayed. Rows are numbered starting from 1. | Required |
column |
The column of the dashboard on which the widget should be displayed. Valid column values are 1, 2, or 3. | Required |
width |
The width of the widget. Valid width values are 1, 2, or 3. | Required |
height |
The height of the widget. | Required |
Queries are specified in the queries
section and define complete NRQL queries that are used to display data in widgets on a dashboard.
YAML Snippet
Queries can be defined as either inline queries or componentized queries. Componentized queries allow query components to be shared between multiple queries to avoid duplication in query definitions.
queries: my-inline-query: title: Web Transactions by Response Status nrql: SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Transaction WHERE transactionType = 'Web' FACET response.status visualization: facet_bar_chart notes: Notes about my inline query # Optional my-componentized-query: title: My Query event: MyEvent condition: prod-events # Optional output: total-count display: facet-with-timeseries notes: Notes about my query # Optional
Inline queries are defined with the following arguments
Argument | Description | Required? |
title |
The title of the query displayed as the title on the widget in the dashboard. | Required |
nrql |
The complete NRQL query string. | Required |
visualization |
A widget visualization enum value. | Required |
notes |
Notes for the query displayed as the notes on the widget in the dashboard. | Optional |
Componentized queries are defined with the following arguments
Argument | Description | Required? |
title |
The title of the query displayed as the title on the widget in the dashboard. | Required |
event |
The New Relic insights event used in the query. | Required |
condition |
The name of the condition used in the query. | Optional |
output |
The name of the output selection used in the query. | Required |
display |
The name of the display configuration used in the query. | Required |
notes |
Notes for the query displayed as the notes on the widget in the dashboard. | Optional |
Displays are specified under the displays
section and specify the widget visualization type as well as how a query should be displayed using any SINCE
clauses for the query.
YAML Snippet
displays: visualization-only-display: visualization: billboard display-with-clauses: visualization: billboard_comparison nrql: FACET appName COMPARE WITH 1 WEEK AGO # Optional
Argument | Description | Required? |
visualization |
A widget visualization enum value. | Required |
nrql |
An NRQL snippet containing only SINCE , UNTIL , WITH TIMEZONE , COMPARE WITH , or TIMESERIES clauses. |
Optional |
Widget Visualization Values
The follow widget visualization values are supported as specified in the New Relic API documentation
Widget Visualization Values |
event_table |
line_chart |
facet_table |
facet_bar_chart |
facet_pie_chart |
billboard |
faceted_area_chart |
faceted_line_chart |
comparison_line_chart |
heatmap |
histogram |
billboard_comparison |
attribute_sheet |
funnel |
gauge |
json |
list |
Output Selections
Output selections are specified under the output-selections
section and define the fields and aggregations selected from an NRQL query in the SELECT
YAML Snippet
There are three different types of output selections: Raw NRQL snippets, aggregation functions, and multiple outputs.
Raw NRQL Snippets
Raw NRQL snippets are clauses such as SELECT LATEST(timestamp)
can be defined as
output-selections: raw-nrql-output: LATEST(timestamp) raw-nrql-output-with-label: LATEST(timestamp) AS `Latest Event`
Aggregation Functions
Aggregation functions, which include PERCENTAGE
functions, are clauses such as
SELECT FILTER(LATEST(timestamp), WHERE status = 'success') SELECT PERCENTAGE(COUNT(*), WHERE status != 'success') AS ErrorRate
These types of output selection can specify their WHERE
clauses either inline or by referencing a condition defined in the conditions
section. They are defined as
output-selections: inline-condition-output: percentage: function: COUNT(*) condition: status != 'Success' label: ErrorRate # Optional referenced-condition-output: filter: function: LATEST(timestamp) condition: successful-events
Multiple Output Selections
Finally, queries can include multiple output selections, such as
SELECT FILTER(LATEST(TIMESTAMP), WHERE status = 'success') AS LatestSuccess, SELECT FILTER(LATEST(TIMESTAMP), WHERE status != 'success') LastFailure
Multiple output selections can be specified by using a list of output selections.
output-selections: multiple-output: - percentage: function: COUNT(*) condition: status != 'Success' - LATEST(timestamp) AS `Latest Event` - filter: function: LATEST(timestamp) condition: status = 'Success' label: Latest Success # Optional
and filter
output selections are specified with the following arguments
Argument | Description | Required? |
function | The aggregation function used, e.g. COUNT(*) or LATEST(timestamp) |
Required |
condition | The condition used in the WHERE clause of the function. May either be defined inline as an NRQL snippet or referenced a defined condition. |
Required |
Label | The AS clause for the output. The label will automatically be surrounded by backticks (`), so labels may contain spaces. |
Optional |
Conditions are specified in the conditions
section and define the WHERE
clauses used for NRQL queries.
YAML Snippet
Conditions can either be base conditions consisting of only NRQL snippets or extending conditions that extend other conditions using the and
and or
condition combinators. The and
and or
condition combinators can combine any number of conditions but must always reference at least one other defined condition.
conditions: # A base condition service-a-rabbit-queues-condition: displayName IN ('/service-a-queue-1', '/service-a-queue-2') service-b-rabbit-queues-condition: displayName IN ('/service-b-queue-1', '/service-b-queue-2') # Using the `and` combinator service-a-production-rabbit-queues-condition: and: - condition: service-a-rabbit-queues-condition # Reference a previously defined condition - label.env = 'production' # Combine with a raw NRQL snippet service-b-production-rabbit-queues-condition: and: - condition: service-b-rabbit-queues-condition - label.env = 'production' - label.role = 'rabbitmq' # Using the `or` combinator all-rabbit-queues-condition: or: - condition: service-a-production-rabbit-queues-condition - condition: service-b-production-rabbit-queues-condition